What is dietetics?
Dietetics is the science of diet, food and nutrition, and the role they play in overall health.
What health conditions can dietetics help to manage?
- Metabolic disorders such as diabetes, gestational diabetes, and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
- Disordered eating behaviours e.g. anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and overeating
- Gastrointestinal issues including coeliac disease and IBS
- Pre and post bariatric surgery management
- Optimising sports performance
What do Dietitians do?
Dietitians are health professionals with expertise in food and nutrition. They provide guidance about how to appropriately manage diets and nutrition. Dietitians can translate scientific nutrition information into individualised practical advice to help you make the right decision about what to eat to achieve your health, lifestyle, and performance goals. They can help you to maintain your health, reduce your risk of developing a chronic disease and to enjoy a sustained quality of life.
There are a number of reasons why you might seek the support of a dietitian including:
- A newly diagnosed chronic condition
- Significant weight change
- Changes in medication
- Recent poor food intake, poor appetite, or difficulty preparing or eating food
How do I make a booking?
To make a booking with a Dietitian, please give your clinic a call.
Is a referral required?
No referral is required for a consultation with a Dietitian.
However, if you are referred on a Chronic Disease Management Program (previously known as Enhanced Primary Care) this referral will need to be brought to your initial appointment.
Can I claim this service as an extra on my health insurance policy?
A session with a Dietitian may be claimed on private health insurance depending on your level of cover, please check with your private health insurance provider.