The iliotibial band (ITB) is a thick strip of fibrous tissue that passes down the outside of the thigh and attaches just below the outside of the knee.
During running the ITB repeatedly rubs over the outside bony prominence of the knee.
This may lead to an inflammatory response. It is characterised by:
- Pain on the outside of the knee while running
- Immediate relief on cessation of running
- Tenderness of the ITB near the knee
As with all sporting conditions, correct diagnosis and treatment should be encouraged.
The primary treatments for this condition are:
- Rest from the pain producing activities
- Electrophysical modalities
- Gentle stretching of the ITB, hamstring and calf muscles but not to the point of pain
- Correction of biomechanical abnormalities and attention to the shoe
- Possible anti-inflammatory medication and corticosteroid injection
For more information see your local Lifecare practitioner. Click here to find your closest Lifecare clinic.