Osgood-Schlatter disease

Osgood-Schlatter disease is a common cause of knee pain in children and adolescents.

Pain is felt at the front of the knee, and approximately 5cm below the knee cap on the bony prominence towards the top of the shin bone called the tibial tuberosity.

Although the use of the word ‘disease’ can be frightening, with correct diagnosis and management it doesn’t have to be as scary as it sounds.

Most importantly, unlike other diseases, Osgood-Schlatter isn’t contagious!

Technical definition alert! Osgood Schlatter disease is a tibial tuberosity apophysitis.

Alternatively, it can simply be referred to as a specific type of growing pain, whereby the growth plate becomes irritated by overuse (the tendon that runs from your kneecap attaches onto the growth plate).

Both boys and girls can develop Osgood Schlatter disease, with adolescents who are active during growth spurts most vulnerable.

Generally speaking, boys between 11-15 years and girls between 8-13 years old.

Sports that lead to repetitive, strong quadriceps muscle contractions are at most risk; football, dance, gymnastics, basketball soccer etc.

The effect of such repetitive and strong quadriceps muscle contractions is high pulling forces being placed on maturing bone at the growth plate.

What are the symptoms?


Primarily made following a clinical assessment. X-ray imaging is occasionally used to exclude alternative causes of pain in some cases. Further imaging such as MRI is rarely required.


In the majority of cases, Osgood-Schlatter disease can be successfully managed in physiotherapy.

Mild cases may settle in a matter of weeks, while most cases may take a few months to settle with conservative management.

In severe cases, symptoms may linger until the growth plate matures.


Correct diagnosis and treatment is vital to reduce pain, and prevent cases progressing to a stage where the growth plate can sustain and tolerate greater forces.

Physiotherapy treatment can include the following:

Physiotherapy has been proven to an effective method in managing Osgood-Schlatter disease.

If you think your child may be presenting with Osgood-Schlatter disease then call Lifecare Kingsway Physiotherapy today for an assessment.