Pre-pointe assessment

What is a pre-pointe assessment?

A pre-pointe assessment identifies areas needing improvement prior to or during a transition onto pointe. We look at flexibility, kinetic chains and strength to ensure a smooth transition onto pointe that minimises the risk of injury, particularly for young dancers.

Why is a pre-pointe assessment beneficial?

Pre-pointe assessments are becoming a more common requirement for many dances and full-time ballet schools. Starting on pointe is an exciting milestone and this assessment helps for a smooth transition by screening pre-existing injuries and weaknesses that may contribute to injury and/or result in difficulty on pointe.

Who can benefit from a pre-pointe assessment?

What will the assessment involve?

The assessment will be taken by a qualified physiotherapist with extensive experience in this field. In the session, we discuss your injury history, any physical concerns or difficulties, your functional capacities and your current goals. We perform a series of physical tests to assess key areas that may need improvement.

What is assessed during a session?

What happens after the assessment?

After your assessment, we will provide you and your dance teacher with a report that highlights areas that need improvement. Often this will coincide with a modified transition onto pointe alongside a home program focusing on strengthening, stretching and balance exercises. An optional follow-up appointment 1-2 weeks after is recommended to review progress, any prescribed exercises or questions you may have. A treatment plan for any injury concerns can also be made at this time.

Is a referral required?

A referral is not required for a pre-pointe assessment.

Can I claim this service as an extra on my health insurance policy?

A session may be claimed on private health insurance depending on your level of cover, please check with your private health insurance provider.

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