Musculoskeletal screening

What is musculoskeletal screening?

Musculoskeletal screening holistically reviews all aspects of medical history, posture, and alignment to help identify any muscle issues and correct imbalances.

What are musculoskeletal screening assessments for?

Musculoskeletal screening assessments are designed to identify potential problems before they occur and activate changes that drive improved performance as well as minimise your risk of injury.

Who can benefit from musculoskeletal screening assessments?

While musculoskeletal screening is most often associated with athletes in elite sport, it can also be beneficial a wide range of clients including athletic children and the elderly.

What do musculoskeletal screening assessments include?

What happens after a musculoskeletal screening assessment?

Following musculoskeletal screening you are provided with information about any potential problems and how to address them. This could be as simple as a basic stretching or corrective exercise program. In some cases, it may include further assistance from a physio, sports medicine doctor, podiatrist or other health professional.

Is a referral required?

No referral is required to see a physio for a musculoskeletal screening. Can I claim this service as an extra on my health insurance policy? Sessions may be claimed on private health insurance depending on your level of cover, please check with your private health insurance provider.

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